Respect the Metagame

I throw down with NPC Aaron of the NPC Cast about selfish players and the true meaning of the word “metagame.”

Gaming for Fun (Part 2): Getting Engaged

So, there are eight kinds of fun, right? RIGHT?! How do you bring the right ones to your table and keep everyone happy? You read this f$&%ing article and do what it says.

Gaming for Fun (Part 1): Eight Kinds of Fun

Every player and game master sits down to the table for a different reason. Or a different combination of reasons. And understanding the reason why people play is the key to get them to keep coming back. If you want people coming back (for some sick reason), you need this article.

Thy Game-Mastering Commandments

Happy motherf$&%ing new year. Read this article and write your own GMing credo. Get a grip on why you run games, what you want out of them, and write down all of the unwritten rules you follow so you can go ahead and just start calling them ‘rules.’

Defining Your Game

What does the phrase role-playing actually mean? What is the difference between ‘good’ role-playing and ‘bad’ role-playing? Does rolling dice really spell an end to role-playing? I’ll tell you.